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How Are You Feeling Today? Activity and Sticker Book

Molly Potter

Activity book ze série Let's Talk, která pomáhá rodičům mluvit s dětmi o těch nejdůležitějších tématech. Vhodně doplňuje knížku How Are You Felling Today a pomocí různých úkolů a aktivit dává další prostor pro pochopení emocí.

250 Kč
Dostupnost: Skladem (1 ks)
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How Are You Feeling Today? Activity and Sticker Book

Detailní popis produktu

This delightful activity book, based on Molly Potter's bestselling title How Are You Feeling Today?, is filled with lively illustrations and engaging activities about dealing with a whole range of emotions, from excitement and happiness to shyness and jealousy.

We all have feelings; sometimes they feel comfortable and sometimes they feel uncomfortable. Can you sort them out and work out which emotion is which? And can you fill in a dot-to-dot boredom buster and draw a fluffy, smiling, happy monster? Use this book to explore how you are feeling and complete the activities with the colourful stickers!


Rozsah: 32 stran / Paperback / Rozměry: 25 x 25 cm / Datum vydání: 2019

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